saving . . . saved Error "With input arguments, return / resume expects output arguments" has been deleted. Error "With input arguments, return / resume expects output arguments" has been hidden .
Error "With input arguments, return / resume expects output arguments"
I am using Scilab 6.1.0 over Ubuntu 19.10. After executing the command GaussJordanElimination(A,b), I get the error "With input arguments, return / resume expects output arguments."

Scilab Linear-equations-Gaussian-Methods 10-11 min 0-10 sec 17-09-20, 11:28 a.m. hbammkanti


Inside the  "GaussJordanElimination.sci" file, comment out the line "return x" just above the endfuction statement. Follow the tutorial from 09:11 onwards after you make this correction.
24-09-20, 4:14 p.m. rupakrokade

How do I comment out a line in scinote?
28-09-20, 1:50 p.m. hbammkanti

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